In 1996, i packed my car and headed off to Lander University in Greenwood, SC. The little town drove me nuts at first. there wasn't much there, and its an hour from any "metropolis" area such as greenville or columbia. i can remember when the "super wal mart" opened my freshman year of college...that was excitement!! i lived in the dorms that were actually off-campus, and conveniently located across the street from one of the college night spots! (i dont think i have to say much else about that!) we made the best of that little town...the food was great, there were a couple little bars we would "frequent", and life was simple. john actually moved there right before my senior year. he worked for the police department in town, and he liked it too! everyone he worked with was young and very pro-active!we used to have lots of cop parties and had a blast! he still till this day says he got the best training of his career in greenwood. when we got married in 1999, we stayed in greenwood....we had a little 2 bedroom apartment and our rent was like $450 a month! we hung out with friends, and had a great time! however, we started to think we needed to get out of the fishbowl of greenwood, so in 2001 we made the move back to the upstate. easley was john's choice...and we love it here...but sometimes i miss greenwood...
i don't know if its the town i miss or just those days....we go back on occasion and visit old friends. in particular Steve and Jill McGee. they were our best friends in greenwood. steve worked with john at the greenwood police department (like john, he's a detective now) and jill and i went to lander together, and were in the same sorority - gamma phi beta. jill's now a teacher in town. we were like peas and carrots back in the days! they now have a son, Max, who is turning 3 this week.
thus, the reason for this blog...we went to max's birthday party yesterday. it was like "going home" peaceful. although there wasnt enough time to grab a bite to eat at Migs (are favorite), it was still great to go back...even if it was just for a few hours. i miss jill and steve and every time we leave, we say "we have to do this more often"...but schedules, work, kids, and life get in the way....
so, i'm a little homesick today...i wish sometimes we would pack it all up, and head back down there! don't worry, we aren't selling the house just yet...but man....if we could, it would take a lot to stay!
my only question is will our life be as simple as it was back then? one can dream, i guess!!
here's a picture of me and jill from the party
