so, i think everyone knows that we got a a dog. well, we were suckered into a dog actually. her name is caramel sundae brock...but we just call her sundae. she is such a sweet puppy. its taken some work, but she is finally housebroken! it was actually easier to potty train her than it is to potty train noah! however, she has her own issues we are trying to resolve! she loves to nip at the boys socks and pant legs....innocent enough, but its the chain reaction that drives me nuts! when she gets into this nipping mode, she makes the boys scream and run around...she isn't hurting them, they just think its funny b/c them screaming and running results in her barking and you see the trickle down effect? about 10 mins of this chaos, and i'm about to scream!! needless to say, by the time they boys go to bed, she's ready to sleep too! so, sundae thinks my lap is the perfect napping spot. i cant complain...its pretty sweet. and heck, she will be the only "daughter" we'll ever i figure i better enjoy her puppy-hood as long as possible

!! it wont be long before she will get sassy and start talking back!!

In case your wondering, she's a Doxel...thats a Dachshund and a Beagle Mix!
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